"The 'Sculpting for Surgeons™' course taught by renowned anatomical sculptor, Andrew Cawrse and cosmetic surgeon/sculptor, Dr. Peter Schmid, changed my methodology and results from cosmetic surgery forever.
The anatomical knowledge gained by this course gave me a completely new appreciation for beauty and complexity of the human body. Most of all, it improved my diagnostic as well as surgical skills when surgically enhancing or sculpting a cosmetic surgery patient. The course’s 5 concentrated fun days went by amazing fast and left me exhausted as well as enthusiastic for the new skills and knowledge. This course takes the classic med-school and surgical residency anatomy lessons to a whole new level. Anatomy studied based on ideal form and what creates the ‘perfect’ aesthetic shape. It is truly the perfect mix of artistry and surgical anatomy to help one enhance the resulting surface contour of our patients bodies basic on ideal muscular, boney and fat distributions. I passionately recommend this astounding course for anyone performing cosmetic surgery. It definitely improved my practice and my surgical results along with giving me a fun new hobby.”!"
Angelo Cuzalina, MD DDS
2013 President, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
2011 President, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

"The 'Sculpting for Surgeons™' Courses, represent nothing short of a major paradigm shift in the approach to understanding human anatomy for the surgeon, providing a unique methodology to understanding, assessment and surgical planning for our patients that is truly revolutionary within the field of medicine and surgery.
The Instructors, world renowned anatomical sculptor and teacher Andrew Cawrse, and renowned cosmetic surgeon, figure sculptor and teacher Dr. Peter Schmid MD (DO), have achieved a major breakthrough with their teaching methods, providing surgeons with a three-dimensional understanding of the complex interplay of skin, fat, muscle and skeleton on the human form. The applied fundamentals of "Artistic anatomy", once reserved for the classical figurative artist, represent nothing less than a major advancement and innovation within the filed (field) of plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, just as important as the development of microsurgery or the cleft lip repair. The methods and tools provided to participants include: advances in observational skills; an advanced understanding and utilization of light and shadow in assessing the human form; and from basic to advanced knowledge of the aesthetics and form of the human body. Attendees of these workshops have the opportunity to come away with entirely new "Operating System' upon which to advance, not only their surgical skills, but to develop new applications in both patient assessment and surgical methods and techniques. I believe that these teachings will be "core curriculum" in the Aesthetic Surgical Specialties in the future".
John Millard MD FACS

I attended the “Sculpting for Surgeons™” level 1 course given by renowned anatomical sculptor Andrew Cawrse and cosmetic surgeon/sculptor Peter Schmid MD, in August 2014.
I had heard excellent reviews about the course from many of the presenters at the October 2013 World Congress of Liposuction meeting in New York City who had attended the course in the past. After attending the course I must say that this was one of the most enjoyable and best learning experiences I have ever attended. Each day started with a didactic lecture teaching the two dimensional anatomy creating the shapes of the male and female body. Live models were then used to emphasize the material from the didactics followed by many hours of recreating the anatomy and shapes using clay sculpting. I not only walked away from the course with a greatly enhanced understanding of the human musculoskeletal anatomy, but also developed an appreciation from an artist’s viewpoint for the body shapes and body curvatures that help to create beauty to the eye. Since returning home from the course I now find myself visualizing patients in a whole new way and perspective. I look forward to attending level 2 next year.
Thank you Andrew and Peter for the this amazing learning experience.."
Alan Greenberg MD FACS

"'Sculpting for Surgeons™' with Andrew Cawrse and Dr. Peter Schmid was one of the best courses I had taken in the past decade.
It really combined the knowledge of human anatomy, the study of art and sculpture with practical applications to cosmetic surgery. The course was intense, stimulating to the brain, eyes, hands and mind as well as inspiring.
I highly recommend it to any physician who is training or practicing cosmetic surgery as this will open your eyes to a whole new way of thinking."
Jacob Haiavy, M.D., F.A.C.S.

"I recently attended the August 2014 “Sculpting for Surgeons™" Annual Workshop held in Las Vegas
with world-renown anatomist and sculptor, Andrew Cawrse, and cosmetic surgeon & sculptor,
Dr. Peter Schmid.
As the innovator of High-Definition Laser Liposuction using Tumescent Technique (without intravenous sedation or general anesthesia), I can tell you that after spending a week at the course performing clay sculpting of exquisite human models (awesome) and attending exhaustive anatomy lectures (less awesome), my entire surgical approach developed over the past ten years has rapidly emerged with a new perspective. An increased understanding of lines of curvature, convexities, concavities, shapes, plane changes, and principles of aesthetic beauty have suddenly taken on new meaning and significance to me. The first change I implemented at Hogue Cosmetic Surgery was to put a curve in the distal portion of my PAL cannula. The next change was to mark the aesthetic lines and desired curvatures with a red Sharpie marker. The reality is that I will no longer draw preoperative markings using a straight line – a finding ironically not lost in nature with respect to the human body. After performing just two laser liposuction procedures since attending the aesthetic workshop in Las Vegas, my sculpting results are even more consistent and impressive than before! Special thanks and appreciation to Andrew and Peter … each is a great sculptor and applied clinical anatomist! .”!"
Roger S. Hogue, MD
Founder & CEO of Hogue Cosmetic Surgery,
HCS MedSpa, Hogue Vein Institute, Minnesota Regenerative Medicine, and Hogue Surgical, LLC

"The anatomical models from "anatomytools.com" are an invaluable guide to any surgeon, regardless of specialty and level of training. These teaching aids should be incorporated into the core curriculum of medical schools, and could potentially replace cadaver dissections. Every medical student should own a model!"
Dr Ramtin Kassir: Double board certified Plastic Surgeon
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgeon, Author ... www.doctorkassir.com

"The anatomical figures from "anatomytools.com" are exceptional in several regards. They are finely detailed, they are accurate and not surprisingly, as they are created by accomplished anatomy artists, they are beautiful. As a practicing chiropractor, models and figures are essential to me. They help teach patients about their health conditions. The convenient size and fine detail of Mr. Cawrse's figures makes them ideal to explain the complex and inter-related mechanical problems that patients often struggle to understand. "
Alex B Callister, DC, CSCS,: Chiro-Medical Group
Chiro-Medical Group ... www.chiro-medicalgroup.com

"I was very impressed with the skill and detail of "anatomytools.com" products. The model and wallchart have been used countless times by the Physical Therapist, Chiropractors and Personal Trainers at the facility I work at. We have been able to illustrate points and inform clients about their bodies which has improved our ability to communicate ideas and concepts. I would recommend that all facilities have such a high caliber model for their staff to reference."
Joel Hornsby:
Master Trainer, Peak Performance. Health & Fitness ... www.mindandthemachine.com

"The anatomy figures are stunning in quality and detail, photos can't do it justice. The wall chart is technically and artistically accurate making for a very comprehensive review of anatomy for clinicians or students. They are both ideal tools for anyone in the health care field that is taking anatomy or wants to maintain their proficiency in anatomy. (It sure beats going to the anatomy labs at night to study for a test!)"
Dr James R Hinkle II, DDS,: Master Academy of General Dentistry,
Fellow International Academy of Oral Implantology ... www.alameda-dentist.com/doctor.asp

"As an Exercise Physiologist working in both an academic and clinical setting, thie anatomy models are a wonderful tool to better explain and teach about the musculature of the body. The accuracy, detail and craftsmanship are exquisite and make the learning process come to life especially for those starting to explore the human body in-depth."
Heather Hayes, MA: Lecturer, Department of Kinesiology
San Francisco State University

"The anatomical models, are amazing figures are ideal tools for both doctors and nurses in anatomical study, instruction & pateint communication. The matching wallchart is also the best that I have seen, exhaustive in its informatioon yet clearly displayed and keyed, a must for every hospital"
Tom Fisher: Registered Nurse Case Manager
St Mary's Hospital, San Diego
"As a continuing student of massage therapy, this Wall Chart helps me maintain a fresh overall picture of the human anatomy. Posted above my desk in my college apartment, I'm reminded that if I get stuck on a complex muscle, while educating clients and friends or I just need an anatomy refreshement, I can bust out the dry-erase marker and quiz myself. After college I know I can reuse it in a future office settings, and I hope many of my colleagues understand the value and many utilizations of the AnatomyTools.com Wall Chart."
Antonio Taylor: Massage Therapist and current San Francisco State University student |
"I am using "anatomytools'" outstanding wall chart in our physical therapy Kaiser gym to help our patients see clearly which muscles they are working on.This wall chart is also a terrific reference guide for our therapist and students."
Felix A Marques: Master of Physical Therapy |

"I have spent my life in competitive professional sports, physical training and personal fitness coaching. The ""anatomytools" anatomical figure and wallchart are brilliant demonstration & educational pieces in assisting me to help my clients identify areas of improvement, development and also in injury rehabilitation."
Conor MacGuire: Personal Trainer
European Kick Boxing Champion, Mr Australiasia Body Building Champion ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPCp7fEHdHc