Anatomy > Male Figures > 1:6 scale - Male Figures > Male 1:6 Skeleton & Anatomy v3
Male 1:6 Skeleton & Anatomy v3
Male 1:6 Skeleton & Anatomy v3 - comparative anatomy set

These desktop sized models are faithfully recreated from a live athlete Hand sculpted & painted with incredible detail & realism. This complete set provides side-by-side comparison of proportions, the skeletal system, the muscular system, & the forms of overlaying fat & flesh of the male human body. Allows for unique and accurate cross referencing between the anatomical primary structures of the body.Each aprox.12x2x3.5"/ 30x5x9cm ( due to production  assembly , skeleton figures may be slightly taller than the muscle figure)

Designed, sculpted & painted by Andrew Cawrse>

Regular Price $624.00 + tax and S & H
notify me $599.00  + S & H

SKU# samfv3-1-6scale
*notify me when this becomes available

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